Calling All Christians (The Rising)

Christians are really good at thinking about who we could be, and we’re really bad at being who we already are called to be–the handiwork and the masterpieces and the image of God himself.

The best conversation-ender in challenging, vision-centered dialogue is this: “That’s just not my calling.”

Immediately, a wall goes up. No one wants to rebuke a calling or lack thereof, but we so often fall back on that excuse to avoid exploring what the Lord is truly asking of us.

Now, read this: we can absolutely be called to some things and absolutely not be called to other things. The danger lies when we refuse to question the clear-cut calls and instead rely on instinct. Because the Bible is our only fully-reliable guide to life in Christ, that questioning should come from deep study of God’s word and a prayer that, in faith, says, “Your kingdom come, Your will be done.”

As part of His divine creation, God asked us to do something seemingly simple: love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind, and love your neighbor as yourself.

But we take that simple commandment, and we make it as complex as humanly possible. In attempting to make sense of what God wants us to do with our lives, we sit perplexed in a mess of confusion because we forget that He has already told us.

We are called to love Him and love the people around us. That’s it. While we wait for a personalized note to float down from the heavens, we avoid the letter He wrote to us thousands of years ago that tells us His story of redemption, His purpose for His glory, and His deep, restorative love for His people.

Read more at The Rising.

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