Because Sounds So Good

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I bought a domain!!

If I knew how to insert memes and gifs and fireworks and songs, I’d do that right here.

If I was technologically competent in any way, I would’ve simply synced the two websites. But no. I copied and pasted every piece of content from this site to the new one. Whatever. It’s all there!! And my dedication to my 50 blog posts is so very evident.

So, from here on out…I’ll be posting on! I AM SO EXCITED.

I could’ve done a .com, but .net was just so smooth.

A note for all my lovely subscribers. I think that I’ve found a way to sync up the emails, so bear with me if you accidentally receive a test email tomorrow. I’ve linked up with MailChimp, so hopefully it will all work. (If you were hoping that the new site was your way to get out of subscribing, you’re out of luck. Unsubscribe on that test email if you want to follow along sans the emails!)

If you’d like to subscribe, hit up the “Connect” page. I’m not going to make any promises that this will work. But one can only hope, right?

I just love all of you so much. Thanks for following along on Farmer Takes A Wife, and come join me for a little housewarming-party-in-our-heads at!

(I’ll leave this site up for a bit, but all new content will be posted to the new site.)

One thought on “Because Sounds So Good

  1. Susan Jordan says:

    How incredibly exciting!!!!! I love reading your writing! Miss you… xoxo

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